Leicester Muckery

Your local scurrilous, rebellious working class bulletin

About us

The Leicester Muckery is a working class bulletin.

It is published by the Leicester Muckery Collective (LMC). The Leicester Muckery punches up and targets the powerful, those who exploit, the entitled and the bigoted.

It stands for:

  • Ideas and actions based on mutual aid, solidarity, collective responsibility, individual freedom, autonomy and free association.
  • It sees things in terms of bosses and workers, the powerful and powerless, rich and poor, order-givers and order-takers, oppressors and oppressed. In short, capitalism.
  • It fights against such a system.
  • It supports actions and ideas that increase working class confidence, autonomy, initiative, participation, solidarity, self-activity and unity of the working class in the face of capitalist exploitation and oppression.
  • It opposes actions and ideas which divide the working class – such as nationalism, racism, sexism, homophobia and the view that we should rise above our class.

Instead, we should rise with our class!

To get in touch with the Leicester Muckery Collective, or if you want to get involved, email us at:


You can also find us on Facebook here:

Muckery on Facebook


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